Monday, October 16, 2006

Amazing Grace

I've just come back from a songster weekend in Brighton. I was asked to "do something" for the Sunday evening meeting and the festival on the Saturday night. I wrote this for the Saturday. I got some positive feedback so I thought I'd post it.
Amazing Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
The air, this atmosphere resounds
With joyful prayers, with shouts of glee
But is there any grace for me?

Amazing grace, that which I teach.
That grace, which I, would you beseech
To come to know and revel in.
But will it pardon me my sin?

Amazing grace, which rights all wrongs,
Which comforts fear, inspires songs.
A grace which heals, a grace which serves
Such grace, I know, I don't deserve.

Amazing grace, how can I ask
For anything so pure and vast?
How great an insult it would be
On grace to associate with me.

Amazing grace, that it should seek
To call on me and gently speak
To give my spirit cause to shine.
This grace I have not earned is mine.

Why, then, heart do you resist
A grace as wonderful as this?
Grace which by love for me is driven
A perfect grace so freely given

Change, then, heart and do not shirk
Amazing grace but let it work.
What awesome wonders I would see
If grace were free to work in me.

And on that morning, that glorious day
When Jesus returns I simply pray
That I would recognise His face
Because I knew Amazing grace.